She likes to write me letters on tree bark and toilet paper.
Last month I scribbled her a Valentine on a maxi pad.
In return she sent me this note with a magazine clipping inside.
The note reads:
Hello Heidi–
Just had to send you this article that I received from Aunt Shirl. Oh, how true it is! I certainly remember my first "rubber" Playtex girdle. Several of my friends were sold on them. They flattened your tummy, but pushed the excess up to your boobs. Really a tight fit. It would get mighty uncomfortable, especially if a girl had a large stomach and hips. God, what we didn't do to try and look glamorous. Nowadays the girls go panty-free!
Well, I just had to get this to you for your Lance. I think it's an article everyone will enjoy – I certainly did. Have a great week and say hello to Joe for me.
The magazine clipping, if you can read it:
awesome! Love your Nana and her sense of humor (it must be hereditary)! Thank goodness we don't have plastic girdles anymore. although now they have Spanx, which I'm not positive is a 100% better.
I just spent 10 (ok.. three) minutes trying to find the secret SoulPancake link... I FOUND IT!
Boy, I Heart you. ;)
That's amazing cursive. Calling mine a scrawl doesn't even come close to the mess of jumbled letters that I call cursive.
I'm with Tabitha. THANK GOODNESS we don't have plastic girdles anymore. I would die.
And so would your baby.
Lol, yes, the poor baby. In there screaming LET LOOSE WITH THE FUCKING GIRDLE, WOMAN! MUST! GROW!
Although, a pathetically small baby is probably easier to deliver, no? Never mind the whole defects and developmental difficulties stuff.
I have to admit, your Nana sound wicked....I think next time I am going to be economically t.p. or tree bark will suffice over paper. Paper is overrated! I love your blog...MORE IAN! Keep up the good work!
Funny you should ask for more Ian. I was sitting at an outdoor cafe in Sarasota earlier this week and Ian walked past. eyeing me suspiciously.
It was the first time he's EVER initiated eye contact with me.
I was either not in the mood to talk to him or feeling like a bum groupie, so I just let him pass me by.
It was at least 80 degrees out and he was wearing five layers of clothes, including long johns.
oh my goodness your Nana is pretty funny! What a great sense of humour you two have :D
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