Been gardening and writing and reading and taking yoga and figuring things out in my head. My cousin's super-talented wife is helping me redesign the Lance. I'm dense when it comes to technology – borderline luddite. Rebecca offered to help make this site look snazzier, which I'm apprehensive to do because when I started writing it, I could give two-shits about design. I just wanted a place to write. A little bit of structure to my mornings. A creative way to pass the time before Joe woke up.
I've been sleeping in later and Joe's been waking up earlier, which means we've been rising together, drinking coffee together. Not much lag time between my waking and his. Oddly, parts of me are rubbing off on him. Parts of him are rubbing off on me. Kind of like how when you stick a sliver of soap on top of another sliver of soap they become one. Joe does this with his bars of Irish Spring. Whenever a bar runs out, he sticks whatever's left on top of a new bar of soap. It always makes me laugh, the tiny nub of Irish Spring glued to the full bar of Irish Spring, like the soap is wearing a green derby cap. He does this so he never wastes soap. Very thrifty that Joe.
He dug me a vegetable garden last week and I've been nuts about watering it in the morning. Nuts about watering my other plants too. PK is baffled by my sudden bursts of domesticity. To quote, "I never thought I'd see the day when you'd care about petunias."
I told Joe I was quitting the Lance last night. I told him I want to write a book more than anything in the world and I've made zero progress on that front, but we'll see ...
If Rebecca makes this site look freaking cool, I'll have to keep posting and just suck it up and write my fiction book regardless. My stupid annoying fiction book. Even if it means waking up before Joe again. My sanity depends on it. My center, so to say.
Anyway. It's 1:30 in the afternoon here in St. Pete, Florida and I've got a lunch date with Zipper Boy.
PS. I took the photo at last year's Langerado Music Festival on the Big Cypress Indian Reservation outside of Fort Lauderdale. Group yoga, y'all. Throw your flubby thighs in the air and spread 'em like ya just don't care. It's liberating.
I really hope you finish your book, I would love to be able to go and buy it in a store!
I haven't read anything very good lately, so the sooner the better, ok??? ;o)
I would be sad if you quit Lance, however, I hate to be one to hinder your dreams, so I would understand.
To quote a very uncool "No Fear"
t-shirt I remember from highschool - "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take"
I have had many a thought of quitting blogging. It does take up a lot of time. Time that could be used for something useful. But it is cathartic which is why I've kept it up. Plus I have met some really great people along the way. Even though I will never meet them in real life I have still benefited from "knowing" them. You included.
I hope you find the balance you need to finish your book!
BTW I am in love with this word verification today.
UNCHLOW - sounds like something a stoner would say. Like Pauley Shore. Wow that's someone I haven't thought about in REALLY long time.
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